The Ideal Administration for Bharat

Please note this is still work in progress and just from my narrow vision of things.

There are much more experienced and knowledgeable people with a much broader vision whose input I would greatly value to put on this website.

The principal components that brought well being and world wide fame to Bharat include:

    • Decentralised community based planning and participation
    • State and even Village Community level decision making and involvement in justice and social welfare, healthcare and education
    • An ethical population and ethical ruling class rooted in and abiding by a sense of Dharma which was also maintained by a justice system that awarded swift redressal of wrongs to victims  and harsh punishment to offenders to act as a deterrent.
    • A sensible and enlightened ruling class
    • A well armed and empowered population
    • Tolerance and acceptance of a wide variety of cultural and other practices of various ethnicities of the population
    • Strong work ethic with acceptance of dignity of labour
    • Judicious use of natural resources while still giving priority to environmental conservation and enhancement
    • Efficient water conservation and management
    • Educational excellence and a locally developed repository of vast knowledge developed over millennia for practice and disbursement in a wide spectrum of disciplines in agriculture, culture, environmental conservation, science, technology and governance and many other aspects that are important to the well being of society.
    • Agricultural prowess using low cost, sustainable, ecofriendly cultivation and management techniques
    • Handloom textile prowess
    • Metallurgical and other technological innovations
    • Handcrafting of fine goods and monuments
  • Trading both domestically and all across the world

We must return to this system if Bharat has to regain its lost glory.

Swaraj, Law and Justice

Swaraj or True Democracy must be introduced and run by Edemocracy on Direktvote, the Edemocracy system being developed by शम्भल समत्वम् (Shambhala Samathvam).

We first need a team to implement my gentle recommendations 😉 of Law and Justice and also my vision of the State

The Ministry of Law and Justice must abandon the FUKUS method of exploitative colonial master law and administration, and bring in an accountable administration modeled on the advise of Kautilya and as outlined in my articles on the State.

The Ministry of Law and Justice must not only frame and enforce Law and dispense Justice in Bharat, it must also have a strong department of intellectual property protection.

All intellectual property contained in the traditional heritage of Bharat, not only in ancient written texts, but also in oral and prevalent local practices must be copyrighted exclusively by Bharat for the sole benefit of all its citizens with more than 60% of the royalties received going towards health care, Nature and True Temples, 20% going to education, and 20% going to fund small businesses and small innovative businesses mainly in the sectors I have mentioned below in my para on Finance, Trade and Commerce.

Low royalties for these copyrights can be demanded from government organisations in Bharat, Iran, China, Tibet, South East Asia, Africa, South America, Germany and Russia.

Government agencies in all other countries, especially other rich countries must pay higher royalties.

All of the above government agencies must give the central government of Bharat a royalty free exclusive license and at least million user transferable production license to the central government of Bharat to use at its discretion only for agencies and individuals who are permanent residents in Bharat.

Corporate Agencies in Bharat must pay a royalty of 8% to the government of Bharat for the sale of each product.

Small businesses and start ups in Bharat must pay a royalty of 4% to the government of Bharat for the sale of each product.

This will apply till they reach a operating profit of Rs 5,00,00,000 or turnover of Rs 50,00,00,000 which ever comes first.

Foreign corporate agencies must pay a royalty of 30%  to the government of Bharat for the sale of each product.


We first need a team of people to firmly establish Bharat as the world leader in Nuclear Fusion Power.

A fund of more than Rs 50000 crores(Rs 50,000,00,00,00,000) must be set up for developing Nuclear Fusion Power and other sources of energy from our shastras.

Startups and individuals in this field must also be given huge funding from this fund.

In fact even a 14 year old teenager in the USA has produced nuclear fusion working in his parents garage.

Instead of spending Rs 1,00,000,00,00,000( 1 lakh crore) on a dumbass bullet train that will only lose money all its life and put our unborn generations in debt and benefit probably 0.00000001% of Bharat, why cannot we set up a start up fund of even Rs 10,000 crores to  fund the 14 year old teenager and many others like him so that we become the world leader in energy in Bharat.

They should also be given huge tax subsidies and interest free loans.

This should not be extended to current large corporates and Wall Street/Dalal Street Pimps and Lalas.

Read my article further below to understand who would qualify for such funds.

Read my article on how important it is for Bharat to be a world leader in Nuclear Fusion Power to assure not just permanent prosperity and well being of its own citizens, but also for the citizens of  the entire world and more importantly for the renewal and rejuvenation and well being of Nature, the supreme gift of Brahman.

Social, Oppressed, Destitute and Animal Welfare

This needs to be manned by a wide spectrum of long term staff who had management experience at True Temples, and NGOs for oppressed, victimised and destitute women, children and elders.

This ministry will also have a division for animal welfare, rescue and rehabilitation.

These staff should preferably be from non profit or government organisations, but many times people from private and for profit organisations also have good expertise in running such systems.

Administrators from private for profit companies must follow the law for conflicts of interest.

This will also be in charge of rehabilitation and welfare of animals.

This includes management of wildlife and wildlife sanctuaries along with coordination with the Ministry of Environment and Water Conservation.

It will also work with the ministry of Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation for elimination of hunger and its root causes.

This ministry must be constitutionally independent and decisions can only be overturned by a 75% majority of the local population and a 75% majority of the  local representative council.

Depending on local, district, state or national level policies and decisions the above voting levels must be done.

This ministry must have independent fast criminal and civil courts to try and convict and punish the accused and render justice and rehabilitation to the victims.

The punishment will be according to my laws and there will be no deviation from punishment or reduction in punishment from my laws by this ministry including the law for Animals and Animal Products.

No decision by the Judiciary should be allowed to contravene this ministry or its decisions except with regard to decisions also falling under the purview of the Ministry of Environment and Water conservation.

Only the constituents as earlier mentioned above can overturn the decisions of this ministry.

People like International Justice and Mercy (IJAM), Kailash Satyarthi, Sunita Krishnan, Linkan SubudhiRamakrishna MathThe George Foundation, BREADS, Akshaya Patra, Bezwada Wilson, Adamya Chetana Foundation, Animal Welfare Activists, and others of similar professional accomplishments must be made constitutionally independent heads of this ministry.

They must be assisted and take input from experts for enhancing and protecting women’s security and rehabilitation, and for enhancing living conditions and well being of poor, backward and tribal areas.

Environment and Water Conservation

We then need a dedicated team of people to protect and rejuvenate the environment and replenish and clean the rapidly depleting water resources of Bharat.

This should also include a wide spectrum of long term staff who had management experience at True Temples, which served Nature.

There are too many people and organisations who I have in mind to do this and it cannot be named in this small page.

This has to be done at a completely decentralised level of each village with continuous local community based maintenance and rejuvenation of the village pond or lake, streams, drainage systems, environmental conservation and preservation of Devarakadus and vegetation especially along the water bodies and drainage systems and finally the construction of small anicuts to harvest flood waters and also at the farm level by and rejuvenation and recharging of borewells and open wells and farm ponds.

Please read more about this in my page on Water.

This ministry will also be incharge of environmental conservation and enhancement of wildlife sanctuaries, forests, protected areas, and pollution control.

All mining and commercial activities that require exploitation of natural resources must first obtain permission from this ministry.

Small farmers and agriculturists need not obtain permission for farm improvement activities but any permission for tree felling(especially not planted by them) must be obtained even by them.


Our educational system must be completely revised and based  our traditional and heritage educational systems and we must completely abolish the current Macaulay system of education which only made us “coconuts” and obedient slaves to the new brown “sahib” masters.

Administrators should be appointed who know the meaning of True Education and who will implement the law of education.

Some of the people who I have personally heard of and visited and would like to be appointed include International Justice and Mercy (IJAM), Azim Premji University, Santiniketan, Center for Learning, Acharya Mehulbhai, Centre for Traditional EducationRamakrishna MathThe George FoundationBREADS, Adamya Chetana Foundation, Akshaya Patra and many such others who understand the meaning of True Education.

Institutes like the above and also those involved in traditional research like Academy of Sanskrit ResearchBhandarkar Oriental Research InstituteAsian Agri-History Foundation (AAHF), Centre for Traditional Education, Center for and Institute for Traditional Medicine and similar agencies must be given more funding than IITs and additional institutes must be set up just to translate and study all technological formulas and mantras in the PuranasVedas, Upanishads, Itihasas and many other scientific and technological texts of ancient Bharat.

These institutes should be completely autonomous and should have absolutely no political interference or even political parties influencing student and teacher unions.

Funding should also be given to independent scholars and researchers and agencies involved in the above even if they dont belong to any educational institution.

Agencies can be both private, government or non profit.

It can also be foreign agencies but all the work should be done in Bharat and by at least 95% Bharatiya staff.

The valuable knowledge contained in our heritage does do not just exist in the texts of the Sanathan Dharma, but also in texts of all religions and cultures of Bharat and also in oral histories especially of the tribals who have millennia of knowledge but most of it is not written down but passed down by practice and oral instructions.

Major inventions and innovations would be developed by Bharat which would change its future for generations.

These institutes should be completely autonomous and should have absolutely no political interference or even political parties influencing student and teacher unions.

Ministry of Healthcare

The ministry of healthcare must ensure that universal healthcare is provided to all.

It should also set up a system of paramedics and bare foot doctors for routine health maintenance.

It should also set up a system to allow the practice of traditional occupations like midwifes and LMOs.

These people do not need to be licensed, but they should under go a compulsory certificate of training under this ministry to update their traditional knowledge.

They should have updated training every 5 years.

The ministry of healthcare must ensure that we move away from the practice of permanent drug dealing and animal suffering derived in Western “medicine” and return to the medicine that was taught in the AyurvedhaSiddha and other traditional medicinal systems practiced in Bharat.

It must also enforce the Law of Medicine.

International Justice and Mercy (IJAM), Adamya Chetana Foundation, Dr Kafeel Khan, and people like him who are whistle blowers and suffered at the hands of Representative DFIs must be made part of the Lok Pal as constitutionally independent heads to supervise the working of the Ministry of Health.

Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation

The administrators in this department must ensure that President Kalam’s version of Providing Urban Amenities to Rural Areas (PURA) must be implemented in every village.

The ministry must also have a strong wing for poverty alleviation to eliminate the root cause of poverty and hunger.

The root cause of hunger and poverty is lack of education, opportunities and employment.

Hence this  Ministry must work extensively NGOS like International Justice and Mercy (IJAM), Adamya Chetana Foundation and similar NGOS, and with the Ministry of Education, Healthcare, Agriculture and Social, Oppressed, Destitute and Animal Welfare.

Intensive coordination should be done with all the ministries mentioned above and separate and larger wings should be set up in these ministries to work closely with the Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation.


These planners should coordinate nation wide efforts to get Bharat to abandon the doomed FUKUS systems and return to the traditional systems that I have mentioned at the beginning of this article that gave well being, prosperity and world wide firm to Bharat for millenniums.

These planners should not just be Putsak Badnekai (bookish brinjals) with only theoretical and academic experience and no real world experience.

All planners should not only have academic credentials, but also at least 15 years of hands-on and management level experience in the fields that they will make planning decisions on.

Finance, Commerce and Trade Promotion

We need a team people who understand that the mainstay of any economy is not FUKUS Industrial Mass Production Trickle Down Casino Capitalist System and Wall Street/Dalal Street Pimp/Lala owned IT/BT/SEZ coolie export parks, which just creates mindless worker drones slogging away their whole life in some soulless work with little rewards.

The only way to get Bharat back to its past glory is to adopt Rising Tide Production by the Masses Socialist Capitalism.

These team should coordinate nation wide efforts that percolate down to the village and city ward level and even to the college and junior school level.

Some of the greatest of enterprises were built by young students who were still in school but had visionary ideas.

The team should also implement my ideas on TaxesBanking and LendingBlack money and tax dodging and Corruption.

The State should set up a large fund of at least Rs 250,000 crores to fund innovative startups and small businesses researching and operating in the following areas as mentioned in my article on Rising Tide Production by the Masses Socialist Capitalism.


This should be run by noted technical experts on natural and traditional farming techniques of Bharat and experts in marketing through farmer cooperatives and farmer producer organisations.

Farm to fork traceability and credit and crop  and insurance and loan validation must be done using the GIS Block Chain Agriculture Credit and Production system developed by शम्भल समत्वम् (Shambhala Samathvam).

Storage facilities should be implemented right down to the panchayat level.

There are many pioneering organisations in Bangalore like Hopcoms (not organic, but a very good cooperative model)Jaivik Krishi SocietySahaja Samrudha, MHR Foundation, Adamya Chetana Foundation and Janodaya in Bangalore and others in other states.

They are much more ethical and trustworthy than conventional mandi merchants and and perform valuable social service.

Organisations like the above should be given significant funding and encouragement and should become bigger than Amul, the biggest cooperative farming success story in Bharat.

There should be a direct link between the farmer and the push cart and delivery vendors and footpath vegetable sellers.

More about this is given in my article on sustainable agriculture.


Gen Sunderji was the best general that I can remember. He was not only good with the sword but also the pen and as we know the pen is mightier than the sword.

We need to find a defence person like him who is good with the sword but also has an intellectual and visionary and strategic perspective for defence.

We must follow the golden advice given by George Washington:

To be well prepared for war is the best way to ensure a lasting peace.

Heritage and Conservation

All heritage monuments of Bharat must be restored and conserved, especially with local community participation and the local community must also share in any revenues gained from tourism or other sources of income from these monuments.

As soon as possible, Bharat must  set up an institute to rewrite our history based on research by our local historians both past and present.

It should not be divisive and promote just the “Hindu” side of history, which describes all non-Hindu rulers as rapists, looters and invaders.

Read my article on the myth of permanent Hindu Muslim conflict to understand why this wretched myth created by FUKUS colonists only a 150 years ago, continuous to divide and rule Bharat and is the sole reason for preventing us to rising to our past glory.

These institutes should be completely autonomous and should have absolutely no political interference or even political parties influencing student and teacher unions.

Revenue, Land Records, Planning and Zoning

The Revenue, Land Records, Planning and Zoning department must be manned by people with a wide ground level and local knowledge of the problems faced by the local individuals in these areas.

The Revenue department must be completely decentralised and run on the Block Chain Land Records System being developed by शम्भल समत्वम् (Shambhala Samathvam).

The administrators in this department must also get the local appraisal and approval from all general local residents in the area for all the planning level decisions they make.

This includes at least 80% approval by the people who will be directly affected or lose their lands and livelihood due to the decisions of these planners.

Approvals should exclude and negate votes from those who are involved in the real estate industry at any level including brokers and investors, and also those who are constructing and operating activities in buildings that violate local bylaws.

Approvals should exclude and negate votes from those involved with corporates who benefit from these decisions.

Those involved include not just management and owners, but also employees, residents, shareholders, partners and vendors and clients.

There are some famous politicians below who could also be administrators.

Those below may have hidden secrets which I am not aware of.

And I am sure and there are many more suitable unsung politicians at all levels who unfortunately are not made famous by the Presstitute media.

These politicians are famous among there ground level constituents with their sincere, honest and wise work.

But they are not mentioned much by the Presstitute media because they do not bribe them for smart marketing and paid TV spots and paid TV pimping like the rest of our Hawa Hawa Representative DFIs.

Yogendra Yadav

He is one of the new breed of politicians. Actually he is not a politician.  He is a reformer.

Usually reformers dont bother to rule, they are just interested in reforming.

But I sincerely hope he is also interested in ruling and seeing his reforms implemented.

The below saying that I read in the Times of India is a sad fact of life:

Most rulers are not bothered about reform and most reformers are not bothered about ruling.

Yogendra Yadav if he is successful, will be the first reformer to rule.

While most of the Representative DFIs were fighting about more “important” issues like intolerance,  alleged corruption by the Ghendys, beef ban and Bharat Mata Ki Jai, Yogendra Yadav took up the really important issue affecting hundreds of millions of the most poor in Bharat including millions of farmers – he got a court order from the Supreme Court ordering our government to form drought management plans.

His organisation Swaraj Abhiyan is the only one really fighting for the true and unsung citizens of Bharat – the poor drought ridden farmers, the dalits and the underprivileged.

See the quality of the interview.

There is no better leader in the whole world.

They are probably the only organisation in the country where the office bearers were directly elected by the members at the local level and not nominated remotely by the high command of the organisation.

The Swaraj Abhiyan has now become a political party Swaraj India.

I am also a member of Swaraj Abhiyan and their political party Swaraj India.

I always intend to vote for Swaraj India as long as it abides by the ideals of its founding organisation the  Swaraj Abhiyan.

I sincerely hope if my website gets popular and influential enough, all the politicians mentioned below and many others like them come under the banner of a coalition led by  Swaraj India.

But Swaraj India should not form an alliance with the parties run by the Ghendys and other dynasties like the Fumble Harmer and other such regional parties which are run like petty fiefdoms riddled with populism, corruption, nepotism, obsequiousness and sycophancy, instead of being truly honest, sincere, visionary, republican democratic parties.

Swaraj India should make a clean break with all the above fraud parties and develop alliances with new parties run by activist citizens groups who have no other interest other than to raise the well being of not just the citizens of Bharat, but also the environment and water resources  and restore the glory of Nature in Bharat.

Swaraj India should run on the promise and implementation of Rising Tide Production by the Masses Socialist Capitalism.

N Jaya Prakash Narayana

One of the smartest and most intelligent men with a totally spotless and clean reputation, but most unheard of politicians in Bharat.

He is unheard even in his own home state of Andhra, which is being led to ruin by the other “visionary” CM of Andhra, who is a mutant version of our even more “visionary” NRI Business Development Manager.

Due to the “wonder” of FUKUSdemocracy“, empty vessels who make loud noise like the NRI Business Development Manager and the Clown Prince will get voted, but deep still waters like N Jaya Prakash Narayana will not even retain their deposit.

Watch this amazing speech below about the flaws in the “wonder” of our FUKUS based democracy.

It was totally written by him and spoken extempore.

No reading from teleprompter of pre-written speeches by some fancy overpaid speech writer.

No promise of Aaloo se sona🤔 or Rs 15 lakhs🤑 in each bank account.😢🤦

Rs 15 lakhs in each bank account
(arriving by Kingfisher Airlines)

Aaloo se sona – the actual truth

You can watch more of N Jaya Prakash Narayana’s videos here.

N Jaya Prakash Narayana is not mentioned much by the Presstitute media.

That is because he does not bribe them for smart marketing and paid TV spots and paid TV pimping like the rest of our Representative DFIs.

Nitish Kumar

I like him because he has a proven track record at least not only from the media but also my enquiries with locals from Bihar.

During his first term, corruption still existed but law and order and infrastructure had improved a great deal, all girls were given free bicycles and encouraged to go to school.

These are the fundamental needs of Bharat.

Law and order and good infrastructure and respect and encouragement of women.

However despite the good work that Nitish Kumar had done, his previous  convicted thief opponent and his barely educated semi literate sons have come back with a majority to share power with  Nitish Kumar, and are returning Bihar to its old state.

Due to the “wonder” of FUKUS democracy,  Nitish Kumar,  one of the finest leaders that Bihar ever had, and who would make one of the finest leaders of Bharat, is now under the thumb of the convicted thief who is not only the worst leader in Bihar, but one of the worst leaders in entire Bharat.

Nitish’s hands are tied because he has to listen to the whims and fancies of the convicted thief and his sons and the rest of the convicted thief’s family who have extended their activities from previously milking cows, to now not just milking Bihar, but milking entire Bharat dry.

We cannot blame the convicted thief for coming back to power, we have to blame the dumbasses who reelected this convicted thief to power.

However even during his second term Nitish Kumar has introduced prohibition of alcohol in Bihar.

Even though I oppose prohibition, that is on the assumption we have an ideal enlightened society.

But a state like Bihar deserves prohibition because it is surely not an ideal enlightened society considering their bad judgement in bringing the convicted thief back to power.

I also like Nitish Kumar because he is a qualified Civil engineer which I am too.

I think Civil engineering is one of the best disciplines of engineering.

This is what Herbert Hoover, Mining/Civil Engineer and 31st President of the United States said about Engineers:

“It is a great profession. There is the fascination of watching a figment of the imagination emerge through the aid of science to a plan on paper. Then it moves to realization in stone or metal or energy. Then it brings jobs and homes to men. Then it elevates the standards of living and adds to the comforts of life. That is the engineer’s high privilege.

The great liability of the engineer compared to men of other professions is that his works are out in the open where all can see them. His acts, step by step, are in hard substance.

He cannot bury his mistakes in the grave like the doctors. He cannot argue them into thin air or blame the judge like the lawyers. He cannot, like the architects, cover his failures with trees and vines.

He cannot, like the politicians, screen his shortcomings by blaming his opponents and hope the people will forget.

The engineer simply cannot deny he did it. If his works do not work, he is damned…

On the other hand, unlike the doctor his is not a life among the weak.

Unlike the soldier, destruction is not his purpose.

Unlike the lawyer, quarrels are not his daily bread.

To the engineer falls the job of clothing the bare bones of science with life, comfort, and hope.

No doubt as years go by the people forget which engineer did it, even if they ever knew. Or some politician puts his name on it.

Or they credit it to some promoter who used other people’s money . . .

But the engineer himself looks back at the the unending stream of goodness which flows from his successes with satisfactions that few professions may know. And the verdict of his fellow professionals is all the accolade he wants.”

One way to really analyse the success and integrity of Nitish Kumar is if the number of IAS officers passing the IAS exam in Bihar has come down compared to the convicted thief’s time and those before him.

In the times of the convicted thief, IAS officers in Bihar and UP had open book (otherwise known as copying) exams in Bihar while the rest of the states especially Karnataka had strict supervision against copying and invigilation.

So there were more IAS officers from the BIMARU states than there were from South India.

This is not because the BIMARU were more intelligent, it is just that they had open book exams(otherwise known as copying).

Nitish Kumar still is making some efforts at improving honesty of examinations.

Last year (2016), the topper in the Bihar board exams did not even know how to spell the subject she topped in.

This year (2017), Bihar has the lowest pass percentage in its history of  board exams.

This is not really something to be ashamed of.

Nitish Kumar should actually feel proud that his strict vigilance has improved the integrity of the board exams and uncovered the true state of the mess in Bihars education.

During previous years, Bihar had a high percentage of passes in board exams because they mainly allowed  open book exams (otherwise known as copying).

But one fault with Nitish Kumar is that he believes in quotas and reservations based on  religion and caste grounds.

I am firmly against reservations based on  religion, caste or race grounds.

Here is my policy on reservations and affirmative action.

It is a much more fair and reasonable policy than current policies.

Nitish Kumar is not mentioned much by the Pressitute media.

That is because he does not bribe them for smart marketing and paid TV spots and paid TV pimping like the rest of our Representative DFIs.

Does anybody know that unlike most Representative DFIs at every level, Nitish Kumar not involved his son in politics and never interferes by influencing his sons associates in dealing favourably within his son.

Does anybody know that in 2010 itself, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar had made it mandatory for himself and his Ministers to declare their assets annually?

Does anybody know that despite more than 30 years in politics, Nitish Kumar has less assets than his son?

Does anybody know that Nitish Kumar surrendered his own ancestral house so that a road could be built?

Dr Subramanian Swamy

He is a real gutsy man, and very intelligent and very accomplished.

Watch his love song 😘😈to the Queen of the Ghendys and he did this when the Ghendys were in power. (fast forward to 12:55)

And the Ghendy Queen and her clown prince never filed a defamation case against Dr Subramanian Swamy for the above scandalous video?  


Because they knew that he had them by the balls.  😥

They knew that if they tried to mess with him, they would find their 🙊 in their mouth and a bamboo up their 🙊 and they would have to flee from Bharat and back to waiting pizza tables in Italy. 🤦

He also had  finally made Puratchi Thalaivi Dr JJ live upto her real name — Jailalitha 🤢

The Janata Party has come a long way from the urine drinking Desai.

It is a shame that when one of the finest minds in Bharat like Dr Subramanian Swamy heads the Janata Party, it has totally lost its relevance.

The symbol of the Janata Party is most appropriate for Bharat and also for this world:

The farmer with the plough.

Farmer with the Plough

Credit of image : Brijrat kumar

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

If Dr Swamy was made the finance minister of Bharat, we will be well on our way to being the richest and most corruption free and tax compliant country in the world by 2040.

Below is one of the finest speeches ever given by an economist about important components to make Bharat a prosperous and corruption free country.

It also has a unbiased critcal analysis of the demonetisation scam.

Dr Swamy will be  a better finance minister than Dr Manmohan Singh and also Yashwant Sinha, also one of the finest, but most underrated finance ministers in Bharat.

Dr Swamy is coming up with a book with recommendations on how to improve the economy.  Even though I have never read his work, a lot of the things I promote will surely find resonance in a much more professional manner and be endorsed by Dr Swamy.

In fact more than Dr Swamy who has a sterling reputation for bluntly calling a spade a spade, Yashwant Sinha is the only one with guts enough to publicly question the “magical” “capabilities” of the NRI Business Development Manager.

The NRI Business Development Manager wants Bharat to be a bullet train when all the vision, insight and past experience is building a toy train, that too not even in Balbhavan, Cubbon Park, but definitely a “Make in India” bullet train from toy land.

Balbhavan Toy Train

“Make in India” bullet train from Toy Land

The NRI Business Development Manager does not realise that at this moment, it is a  pointless delusion and complete waste of time and effort to get Bharat to become a bullet train when almost 99.99% of the trains in Bharat dont even have good toilets, drinking water, a safe environment and even enough seats to sit on.

I am really surprised that Dr Swamy is being so kind to the NRI Business Development Manager.

In his recent interview, he took a diplomatic stance, very unlike his true plain speaking nature.

His obsession for Hindutva has blinded his judgement of the NRI Business Development Manager.

In fact, if you leave aside Dr Swamy’s obsession for “Hindutva“, his skills, wisdom, knowledge, vision and experience regarding finance and economics is the best in Bharat.

I think that Dr Swamy should focus on his more appreciated and better qualities and forget about promoting Hindutva, a concept which never existed until 1923 and only became the fashion in 1990.

Hindutva is not a concept that is found or even mentioned in any of the texts of the Sanathan Dharma.

Hindutva is totally out of place in the actual essence of the Sanathan Dharma:

Ekam sat vipra bahudha vadanti.

That which exists is One: wise sages call it by various names.

Some people call Dr Swamy a fundamentalist and communalist.

In Bharat, anybody who advocates an opinion, however liberal, in favour of the majority is called a fundamentalist, and anybody who advocates an opinion, however bigoted or biased, in favour of a minority is called secular.

Do you know that Dr Swamy has a Parsi wife and a Muslim son-in-law?

He is not a fundamentalist or communalist.

But he just as divisive calling for only “Hindu” domination.

As I have said in my article on Bharat, my ideal for this world is Tianxia.

It is similar to the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: 

“The whole world is one family.”

That means all people in Bharat who follow Dharma, regardless of religion or caste, must dominate and rule this country.

I hope Dr Swamy will at least read my page on the myth of permanent Hindu Muslim conflict and revise his views on Hindutva, which is not a concept that is found or even mentioned in any of the texts of the Sanathan Dharma.

Jairam Ramesh

He is also a very accomplished person.

My only problem is that he romanticizes the Ghendys who in my opinion, excluding Feroze and Maneka Ghendy, were the worst thing to happen to this country after the FUKUS colonists and Arab invaders.

This includes coconut Nehru who was the start of all our troubles that continue to plague us even today.

Suresh Prabhu

Unlike most Representative DFIs who live up to the saying Empty vessels make the most noise, Suresh Prabhu is a perfect example of the saying Still waters run deep“.

One of the most non-controversial, intelligent, visionary and spotlessly clean administrators in the country.  He is one of the smartest men in Bharat.

Yashwanth Sinha

He is also a very accomplished person and one of the finest finance ministers we had, but may be too old and we need to find somebody like him.

Kanhaiya Kumar

He is one of the most amazing speakers I have ever seen.

If he was given as much favourable presstitute pimping and TV time as the NRI Business Development Manager or the Clown Prince, Kanhaiya will be firmly on his way to become the Prime Minster of Bharat in the next 5 years.

Though he may seem like a communist at times, his heart is pure and unlike shady Representative DFIs who use pre-written speeches by some fancy speech writer, I think Kanhaiya writes his own speeches.

His speeches are populist, sometimes communist but very enlightening, refreshing and revolutionary.

You can watch the entire list of Kanhaiya’s speeches on his youtube channel.

Some good speeches

Best Speech (short version)

Current Situation of Bharat

If he will really do as he says, he will make one of the finest youth leaders of Bharat.

Of course he should not be a communist, but promote Rising Tide Production by the Masses Socialist Capitalism, especially considering and abiding by the wise truths of Abraham Lincoln that I have mentioned in my article on Rising Tide Production by the Masses Socialist Capitalism.

Jignesh Mevani

Another rising young leader and one who does not compromise on his principles and ideology.

He has had numerous invitations from the parties of the NRI Business Development Manager and the Clown Prince.

But he has still decided to fight the Gujarat elections as an independent and with crowd funding.

He may lose this time, but finally a person who never compromises on their principles and ideology will always emerge triumphant.

Maneka Ghendy

She is the best of the living Ghendys.

The best and original Ghendy was Feroze.

Both of them are not related by blood to coconut Nehru and congenitally evil Indira Ghendy.

In fact because of their inherently good and virtuous genes, they had bad fights and were finally humiliated and kicked out of the family by coconut Nehru and congenitally evil Indira Ghendy.

Maneka is passionate, intelligent, compassionate and principled and fights for what she believes in, especially issues most critical to Bharat’s well being like animals rights, environmental, womens’ and social welfare issues.

Tejaswini Ananth Kumar

She is the wife of late politician Anant Kumar who also would have made my list if he was alive.

She is doing remarkable work through the Adamya Chetana Foundation.

Tejashwini Gowda

She is a journalist and one of the few journalists who have actually gone to the naxalite areas of Chattisgarh and Bastar to find out who the real terrorists are – the oppressed tribals or the oppressive government.

Also a brilliant film maker.

You will notice I have not put many women politicians in this list.

That is because I dont know any women politicians who are famous all across Bharat other than Didi 😒, Bhenji 🤢, Amma 😥 and Madam 🤦?

They are not worth mentioning and we have all seen their sterling “performance” when they were ruling and continue to rule.

I am sure that there are millions of unknown women who are capable of being very good administrators of Bharat and even better than those I have mentioned above.

You may notice that I have combined people who are pro “Hindu” “nationalist” and anti “Hindu” “nationalist” in this same team of administrators.

This may seem really confusing.

Which side am I on?

Loyal to the government or “anti-national”.

I firmly believe in this wise saying by Mark Twain:

Loyalty of Country, Always;
Loyalty to Government, only when it deserves.”

All the people who I have mentioned above consider themselves loyal to the nation.

But they cannot work together and fight with each other because they have different ideologies.

The greatness of people is not measured by working with people of the same ideologies.

The greatness of people, is measured by working with other people despite their different ideologies.

A nation can only be made great if the whole nation works together not by overcoming their differences, but works together despite their differences.

As I said in my article on Bharat:

My ultimate ideal is not just OUR LAND, but Tianxia.

Which in Chinese means “Under Heaven”  to include all land under heaven.

The  Chinese philosophy is quite similar to our philosophy.

Tianxia contains the same ideal of the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam which is one of the main underlying concepts of the Sanathan Dharma.

Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam means:

“The whole world is one family.”

Remember it says the Whole world, this means not just humans, but all the living and natural beings in the world.